A quick one to share one ‘on the ground’ reporter’s photos of the Warcaster event at GenCon 2023, in particular the scenario, campaign rules, and new ‘monster’ card using the Squiddy Factotum model.
This seemed to be some test rules from the upcoming campaign book, including ‘neutral monsters’ which were announced a while ago. The Void Wraiths rules don’t quite seem right for all monsters and all scenarios, but perhaps each monster will have their own summoning rules based on players’ actions in game.

I like the idea that they cannot score for you, just block enemy scoring. It still uses a solo activation, cannot be targeted by Cyphers or other boosts, and cannot take a charge directly. But having this to spring out of enemy gates at the clutch moment seems just hilarious and fun — on paper, at least. It might also end up being tedious to get blocked often.
It’s a pretty cool mechanic for more casual play! Thanks for this!